Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Attawapiskat Blockade DeBeers Ice Road

De Beers Canada says a group of residents in Attawapiskat are blockading an ice road used to move heavy equipment and supplies to its Victor diamond mine.

Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence has called a band council meeting for tomorrow to discuss a blockade of the winter road.

De Beers and Attawapiskat band officials met with the blockaders yesterday afternoon.
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network says one of the band officials involved in talks is Danny Metatawabin, who was Spence's spokesman during her recent hunger protest in Ottawa.

De Beers spokesman Tom Ormsby says the blockade has not yet impacted the mine's operations, but has forced De Beers to cease operations on the road.

Some officials in Attawapiskat believe the blockade was launched over specific and personal reasons, primarily over things like employment.