Victim’s name: Louis GALLEGO-HAMMADIEH
Date of Birth: 13 OCT 2002 (Age 9)
Physical Description:
Height- 4’10”
Weight- 85lbs
Hair color- black short hair above ear
Eye color- brown
Clothing: T shirt and jeans, Round eye glasses with metal frames
Victim’s name: Benny GALLEGO-HAMMADIEH
Date of Birth: 01 Jan 2004 (Age 8)
Physical Description:
Height- 4’
Weight- 60lbs
Hair color- black short curly hair above ear
Eye color- brown
Clothing: T shirt and jeans
Both are believed to be in the company of: Randa HAMMADIEH (female)
Date of Birth: 27 NOV 1978 (Age 33)
Physical Description:
Height- 5’5”
Weight- heavy build
Hair color- black hair
Eye color- brown eyes
Tanned complexion – white dress
Details of Incident:
At 11:20am, Biological Mother abducted two children from foster home, in the company of 2 unknown males driving the vehicle used in the abduction. Headed towards highway 410 in Brampton.