It's a brand new day for the Green Party in Canada.
Thunder Bay MP Bruce Hyer has announced that he is joining the Green's after sitting as an Independent for over a year and a half.
The Green Party has now doubled it's presence in Parliament, with two sitting M.P.'s.
Party leader Elizabeth May says Hyer is free to vote in the House of Commons the way his constituents want him to.
May says she's impressed with Hyer's community values.
Friday, December 13, 2013
LOW Development Commission Holds AGM

2013 was a good year for business in Kenora.
The Commission held its annual general meeting last night at the Discovery
Fred Wright is one of the board members and says there were a lot of new
business start-ups in the past 12 months.
Looking forward to 2014, Wright is also predicting good things, but suggests
most of the business developments are still under wraps.
Canfield Angry Over Proposed Gas Tax Increase

Yesterday a panel appointed by premier Kathleen Wynne recommend an increase of anywhere between three and 10 cents a liter.
Kenora mayor Dave Canfield says such as tax will be a job killer for Ontario.
He says our gas taxes are already 11 cents a liter higher than Manitoba and feels higher gas
taxes will make Ontario less competitive.
Canfield says communities in southern Ontario have other tools at their disposal to fund rapid transit, and they should be looked at first.
Council Considering Property Tax Exemptions

if it goes ahead with exemptions for a couple of community groups.
The Kenora Airport Authority, as well as the Kenora and Keewatin Legions have requested the exemptions.
Councillor Ron Lunny heads up the finance committee and says as far as
the airport goes, if they don't provide some help, the city might be forced to take over operations.
Lunny says waiving the airport's property taxes would be a 42 thousand dollar hit to their budget, while the legion's tax hit is about eight thousand dollars between Kenora and Keewatin.
Over five thousand for the Kenora Legion and three thousand for Keewatin.
Canada Post Says Community Mailboxes Coming To Kenora within Five Years

It's part of cost-saving measures announced earlier this week.
Spokesperson Anick Losier doesn't see access a being problem for seniors or the disabled in our community.
Losier says an exact date for setting up the mailboxes hasn't been made, but will take place sometime in the next five years.
Spring Bear Hunt Bill Passes Second Reading

Thunder Bay MPP Bill Mauro brought forward his Private Members Bill and it passed its second reading at Queen's Park.
Bill -114 was referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy which would see an open season from April 15th to June 15th.
The purpose of the bill includes reducing the number of aggressive bear attacks while also boosting the Province's moose population by low
ering the number of calves killed by bears.
Saints Boys Hockey Team Wins Battle of Kenora

The Thomas Aquinas Saints boys hockey team won the battle of Kenora with
a 4-3 overtime win over Beaver Brae.
Blaine Vanderkrabben scored the game winner for the Saints.
The loss snapped the Broncos four game winning streak.
Meanwhile, Beaver Brae's girls hockey team continues to struggle.
The Broncos were beaten 8-1 last night by the Fort Frances Muskies.
Beaver Brae doesn't have a lot of time to re-group.
The Broncos are hosting an eight team tournament this weekend.
Action begins at 11:30 this morning with the T.A. Saints taking on Fort Frances.
The finals will take place on Sunday.
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