Monday, April 26, 2010

Rickford Road Funding Announcement

Its going to be another busy construction year in Kenora.

The Provincial and Federal Levels of Government have announced six million dollars to complete the re-paving of Highway 17 from the City boundaries out to the Kenora By-Pass.

Kenora M.P. Greg Rickford says the funding is part of a new infrastructure project announced by the two levels of government earlier this month.

The Ministry of Transportation says it plans to tender out the paving work in the next couple of weeks and expects the work will be complete by early fall.

City of Kenora Graffitti

Kenora City Council has received support for its Graffitti By-Law from an unlikely source.

Grade school student Charity Busch made a deputation to councilthis week to enact a by-law to crack down on the unwanted wall art.

Busch suggests graffitti in town is inappropriate and should at least be covered over.

Council says its working on measures to eliminate graffitti frommunicipal buildings and its also working on a by-law that would apply to privately owned buildings in downtown Kenora.

KDSB New Name and Slogan

The Kenora District Services Board will be changing their name and adapting a new slogan based on ideas from the public.

Chair Joyce Timpson says the name dosen't reflect what they do.

Interested individuals can email or write a letter to the Services Board.

Responses are due by the end of May.

Rowing Club Lease

A split decision for the Kenora Rowing Club from city council.

The city has agreed to a 49 year lease arrangement for its club house on Rabbit Lake.

On the downside, council has rejected a request by the Rowing Club for a reduction in its property taxes.

Council feels that if they gave the rowing club a break on its taxes, other groups in the city would want the same kind of deal.

Doctor Shortage

A rosy picture when it comes to Kenora's medical shortage.

Dr. Buzz Pedersen told city council this week that Kenora has experienced a doctor shortage for about eight years now.

But he suggests the newly expanded medical clinic on Tunnel Island will be a lure for graduating health care professionals.

Pedersen says the new medical center is now a fully affiliated teaching center for the Northern Ontario Medical School.

Fire Season NWO

Northwestern Ontario has seen more than 100 fires since the season officially began at the start of this month.

In comparison, there were just 194 wild fires reported in the region all of last year.

Fire Information Officer Debbie McLean says its certainly a turnaround from the last couple of years.

A Restricted Fire Zone was put in place on Friday, meaning that all open air burning is prohibited.