The City of Kenora is hoping to get closer to the provincial government's target for recycling
in the next couple of years.
Local residents currently recycle about 33 percent of their household waste.
Thats less than the provincial target of 60 percent, but still better than the average across Ontario of just 25 percent.
The Solid Waste Department's Waste Management Promotion and Education Plan was approved by Kenora City Council on Friday.
Solid Waste manager Mike Mostow says the plan sets out targets for increasing the amount of material being recycled locally.
Mostow adds that they will be meeting with officials from Waste Diversion Ontario in the new year to talk about Kenora's Recycling program.
He says currently, Waste Diversion Ontario provides about one third of the funding for their blue box programs, while the municipality picks up the rest.
The reports can be found on the Kenora re-use website.